Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Woman Circumnavigator


Please read this article and give your thoughts about this individual and the events of her adventure.

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  1. To be honest she was kind of a weird lady. She never married to her boyfriend because they couldn't but later married a new fella in Hawaii. She changed her name to Jean in order to go aboard a ship so that he could travel the world. All in all though i can definetley say that she was dedicated to her dream of traveling the world. Creepy lady, she shouldn't of her left her kid in France (bad mothering techniques).

  2. to be more honest than Jamal, times have changed and for the lady to marry someone who is 12 years younger is a little odd but interesting. I guess they looked past that in those times. The article says she uses " the medical properties of plants" was cool she healed people and it sounds a lot like marijuana. She liked to heal and explore the world.

  3. The journey that Jeanne Baret went on was incredible and she endured a remarkable and difficult life. She dressed like a man, traveled the world, and got to collect thousands of exotic plants. But besides traveling the world, she lived a very sad life. She gave birth at least three times and gave up all of her kids because she didnt want to take care of them. Her first husband had many illnesses and died. She married her second husband because she wanted to go back to France. Although she traveled the world and found many species of exotic plants, she lived a difficult and sad life and was not given her proper accolades during her time.
    Ryan Fitzpatrick

  4. Jeanne was destined to live the life of a day laborer until she met a wealthy man while gathering medicinal plants for her studies. Her life changed for the better when they ran off to Paris together even though she gave away two children already. She wrapped linen around her chest to appear to be a man in order to stay with her lover aboard a ship fated to navigate the world. She feared for her safety and often lied about her past in order to keep suspicions down until the crew took off her clothes and took advantage of her. Even through that encounter, she continued to sail on the ship to fulfill her dreams. She refused to let anything stop her on her journey to fame.

  5. Jeanne Baret had an interesting childhood of coming from a poor family, and working in the fields supplying druggists, dentists and other doctors. It was a risk for Jeanne to disguise herself as a man for a plant sampling journey.She finally was revealed as a girl, but secluded herself for the years journey especially after her husband died. It was insane for her to give away both the babies she had with no attachment at all.When she came back she ended up marrying another guy, and becoming the first woman to circumnavigate the globe which is a great accomplishment, but this lady was crazy.
    Kayla Tademy

  6. Jeanne Baret was born in a poor family of day laborers in France. Due to her background it was never expected that she would have the opportunity to prove herself and achieve success. Her passion for plants was a motivating factor that pushed her towards challenges and adventure. She met her love interest, Phillibert Commerson in the fields close to her home while observing plants, their mutual interest. Baret soon became pregnant. Since both Baret and Commerson came from opposite classes in society they never pursued marriage. Their child was seen as an inconvenience, however, so they gave him away to pursue an around the world voyage. Women were forbidden from such voyages so Jeanne disguised herself as a man. She was eventually uncovered and the pair stayed on the island of Mauritius, near Madagascar, while their ship returned to France. Here, she had her second baby and left him as well. Following Commerson’s death she returned to Paris becoming the first woman to circumnavigate the globe. While she made many discoveries, such as the Bougainvillea, her life was a series of bad decisions, especially abandoning her two children.

  7. Jeanne lived her life according to her passion for plants. I find it remarkable that people are able to dedicate their lives according to her passion. Her boyfriend, Commerson, and her connected from their mutual passion for plants.They both became ill on several different occasions. Jeanne had her leg infection, and Commmerson having suffered and unfortunately dying from his dysentery. They both suffered in order to achieve greatness. Jeanne dedicated her life and lived in glory as the first women to circumnavigate the globe. However, this came at a price, having abandoned two of her children, she gave up dreams of a family in order to advance in the scientific world.
    - Terrin Morris

  8. Jeanne's love for plants led her to have an interesting life. She was born into a poor family and was destined to be unsuccessful. Baret and her companion, Philibert Commerson, were from opposite classes and had different outlooks on marriage. Because of this, they never got married. Baret became pregnant and gave their child away to a priest. She ended up disguising herself as a man and went on an expedition with her lover. When she came back from her adventure, she married another guy, and became the first women to circumnavigate the globe.

  9. When Jeanne Baret was born into a small town of not much wealth she had no realistic chance of traveling further than 20 miles. Due to her love for plants she was given the opportunity to travel with her boyfriend to South America. In order to board the ship she had to dress like a man, but was questioned immediately by suspicious passengers. Because she was considered her boyfriends assistant everyone found it odd that she was sleeping in the same room as her boss. When on one of the islands a native points out that she is a woman she panics and runs to her room. If a native was able to point out her real sexuality in about ten minutes, how did the rest of the crew (that she had been traveling with for six months) not notice. I believe Jeanna was a strong brave and under appreciated woman, and that her fellow shipmates must have been either too dumb to notice or just didn't care enough to reveal the truth..

  10. Great Comments. Most of you were very thorough. It will help you on the quiz. Thanks!

  11. Her story is incredible, along with the sacrifices she made to live her dream. Giving up two children for a dream is one of the hardest things someone could do. And even though she felt stronger for her dream, I doubt that made the decision any easier. Someone with such motivation to follow a dream is truly a role model and a remarkable person. I admire her drive for adventure and I wish I had enough courage to do half the things she did. As far as pretending to be a woman.. I don't know how no one noticed, on a ship you have to be strong and work long labor filled hours, a woman can't do what a man can especially when it comes to manual labor. But maybe she tried hard enough to conceal it, she tried hard to achieve a lot, so an outstanding effort to conceal her true gender wouldn't be surprising.

  12. Jeanne Baret was a very interesting lady. She came from a poor family and had a job where she worked with plants, she became known as the herb women. Jeanne met a man named Commerson, who was 12 years earlier then Baret. The two could not get married because they had a son before they were married, and Commerson had been previously married. To be with her lover, Jeanne changed her name to Jean and diguised herself as a guy to go on an exploration on a French boat with her husband. Commerson died and Jeanne got married and changed her last name to Barret. I agree with Jamal that she was a bad parent, she had 2 kids and gave them to someone else to raise them, that is some bad parenting.

  13. Jeanne Barets love for plants allowed her to travel the world, live a full life, have a few scares with crew mates (especially with the islanders who already cross dressed often) but altogether lived what I considered a selfish, self centered life. sure her life was exciting, traveling to Spain, england, south america, islands in the pacific...but it was all for her. she had no interest in spending time with HER CHILDREN. I think she was a brave woman who did a lot with life, but seems like I'd hate her in person. also have no idea how the crew of 6 months couldnt figure out she was a girl when an islander could pick it out in like 3 minutes.

  14. Jeanne Barets is different from most people. She had a passion for medical properties of plants. Although she knew it right away and pursued it through travel. even though she had kids it was clearly shown that they were not a priority of hers. she only liked to live by her way. Among many other successful people Jeanne Barets lies between the first women to circumnavigate around the world. Her successes stands out but I personally would not want to live a life where i am not around my own kids. She is smart, adventurous, but also crazy.

  15. The first thing I took from this article is that the parents were quite creative with the name of their daughter. Jeanne+Jeane=Jeanne. I thought that it was also interesting that Jeanne's lover decided that remarrying was unacceptable. It sounds like from the description of her time after giving birth to her child that she had postpartum depression. This reminded me of Peggy from Mad Men (my favorite T.V. show) because she also had postpartum depression, but Don Draper helped her out of her rough time. Jeanne's adventures were very obtuse and unlikely given her uprising. Her interest for medicine and herbal uses brought her to places she never imagined were real. Side Note: I find it hard to believe that a woman can pass as a man for such a long time especially in closed quarters.

  16. What I thought about it is that it was very interesting how Baret’s broader education took place in the fields where she played. She became an expert in the medical properties of plants. As an “herb woman” she supplied druggists, physicians, dentists and veterinarians. One day when she was picking and analyzing in the fields she met her future. What also shocked me was aret and Commerson went to Madagascar for four months and collected 500 species of flora and fauna. When they returned to Mauritius they had to find a new place to live. They rented a house and lived together as a couple for the first time since leaving Paris. The contentment of this arrangement did not last long, however, because Commerson was diagnosed with rheumatism and then dysentery. Bezac welcomed them again in Flacq where Commerson died in 1773.

  17. Jeanne Baret lived a very spontaneous and flexible life, influenced by her mother who have her the freedom to explore. Jeanne found her passion in plants. Jeanne's first husband, a risk taker in the eyes of his father, used the money from his recently passed wife to start new with another, thinking Jeanne was the one. The careless couple also decided they didn't want their one month old son because he was annoying. Their love was put to the test when Commerson had to leave for a trip around the world. They compromised by dressing Jeanne, soon to be known as Jean, as a man. They also had another child which she again abandoned. Maybe that one was annoying too. In the end, she was not a typical lady. In fact, she seemed very strange.

  18. Jean Baret lived a very interesting and unique life. She had a boyfriend for many years but never married him. She married another man later on in Hawaii. She had a child but left it in France. She took a deep interest in plants and their healing properties. He education for this began in the fields she played in as a child. She disguised herself as a man to board a French exploration ship. Overall her life was very fascinating and unique.

  19. Jeanne Baret started her desire to travel around the world because she was fascinated by plants. She wanted to search for new plants and see all kinds of plants. I found it interesting that she disguised herself as a guy to be with Commerson and it was never known until she was called out by a native Tahitian. Jeanne Baret was a very bad parent because she left her children so she could do what she wanted to.

  20. Jeanne Baret was a very odd and interesting lady. Her desire to travel the world was astonishing and how she would do anything just to do so. Her love for plants was extreme as she would do whatever it took to explore the plant world. Disguising herself as a man is a very bold move and it takes a lot of courage to do. She pulled it off pretty well too, until tahiti. Her parenting was very poor though, leaving her child in France so she could enjoy what she likes. Not the best decision.

  21. Jeanne Barret was born into poverty and as a young woman she didnt travel much at all. If anything she traveled no more than 20 miles away. Her love for plants went way above everything, athough born and raised in the fields. When meeting her new wealthy love, everything changed for her and became better. She got to explore everything dealing with exotic plants and traveling the world. Her love for plants went above everything and dressed like a man and did whatever it took to travel and explore plants. Though it was rough because she had three children and gave them away because she didnt want to take care of them and this had to due with the fact that she loved plants and preferred the plants instead of her children. I would agree with Jamal and say that this lady was weird.

  22. Jeanne Barret had a very interesting life. She was born very poor and relied heavily on plant life to be a balance in her life. As she got older she met a man named commerson and they decided to leave their life behind and find a new life for themselves. They joined a shipping voyage and set sail. No women were allowed to be on the boat though so Jeanne had to disguise her self as a man for two years. Eventually commerson died and she ended up alone and unable to get back to her home. She later met another man and they got married and she eventually returned to France. Jeanne Barret was very unique because she did not stop doing what she loved to do because there were restrictions. She always found a way around them and lived her life the way she wanted to.
    Chase Brenner

  23. Jeanne Barret was destined to live the life of a hard labor because of her birth until she met a wealthy man, Commerson.She ran off to Paris with him even though she had concieved two children already. She dressed as a man, so she could sail the world with her love. She lied about her past, but they eventually found out and raped her.She still stayed on the ship though. She refused to let anything stop her on her journey.
